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Data premiery
Java Edition
17 maja 2009 (Classic)
23 grudnia 2009 (Indev)
27 lutego 2010 (Infdev)
28 czerwca 2010 (Alpha)
20 grudnia 2010 (Beta)
18 listopada 2011 (1.0.0)
Pocket Edition
Android: 16 sierpnia 2011
iOS: 16 listopada 2011
FireOS: 2 kwietnia 2014
Windows 10: 29 lipca 2015
Gear VR: 27 kwietnia 2016
Apple TV i Fire TV: 19 grudnia 2016
Console Edition
Xbox 360: 9 maja 2012
PS3: 17 grudnia 2013
PS4: 4 września 2014
Xbox One: 5 września 2014
PSVita: 14 października 2014
Wii U: 17 grudnia 2015[1]
Nintendo Switch: 11 maja 2017
Education Edition
1 listopada 2016[2]
Obecna wersja
Java Edition
1.20.4 (24w05a)
Pocket Edition
Android: 1.20.41
iOS: 1.20.41
FireOS: 1.16.221
Windows 10: 1.20.41
Gear VR: 1.20.41
Apple TV: 1.1.5
Fire TV: 1.20.41
Console Edition
Xbox 360: TU74
Xbox One: 1.20.41
PS3: 1.84
PS4: 1.20.41
PSVita: 1.83
Wii U: 1.20.4
Nintendo Switch: 1.20.41
Java Edition
WindowsMac OSLinux
Pocket Edition
AndroidWindows 10Apple iOSFire OS
Gear VRApple TVFireTV
Console Edition
Xbox 360Xbox OneWiiU Symbol
Playstation 3Playstation 4PSVita
Education Edition
Mac OSWindows 10


Język programowania



angielski i 95 innych, w tym polski

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Warunki użytkowania

Otwarty kod


Minecraftgra wideo oryginalnie stworzona przez Markus "Notcha" Perssona, rozwijana przez firmę Mojang AB, część studia Microsoft. Minecraft inspirowany był grą Infiniminer.

Pierwsza, bardzo wczesna wersja gry nazwana Classic została opublikowana 17 maja 2009 roku. Oficjalna, pełna wersja Minecrafta została wydana 18 listopada 2011 roku jako 1.0.0. Od czasu wydania pełnej wersji komputerowej gra została napisana również dla urządzeń mobilnych i konsoli do gier. Dnia 6 listopada 2014 roku Minecraft i wszystkie projekty firmy Mojang AB wraz z nią samą zostały zakupione przez studio Microsoft.[5][6]

Od powstania gry była ona rozwijana prawie wyłącznie przez swego twórcę, Markusa Perssona, do momentu w którym zaczął on współpracować z Jensem Bergenstenem, który stał się później jej głównym projektantem.

Gra zawiera muzykę skomponowaną przez Daniela Rosenfelda i obrazy namalowane przez Kristoffera Zetterstranda.

Minecraft skupia się na umożliwianiu graczowi eksploracji, interakcji i zmian w generowanych w świecie sześciennych bloków. Poza różnorodnymi blokami, środowisko zawiera rośliny, potwory i zwierzęta, przedmioty oraz funkcje kopania, walki i tworzenia, a także trzy różne wymiary świata.

Zakup i dostępność

Menu główne

Menu główne gry z wyświetlającym się losowo splashem.[7]

Wersja komputerowa może zostać zakupiona na oficjalnej stronie gry. Możliwe też jest kupowanie specjalnych kodów prezentowych dla znajomych w prezencie, cena takiego kodu jest taka sama, jak cena gry bez kodu.

Wersję mobilną można kupić w sklepach Google Play, Apple, Apple TV, Amazon, Windows Phone, Windows 10, Fire TV - w odpowiednim sklepie odpowiednią wersję gry na daną platformę.

Gra na konsole może być zakupiona w sklepach w formie płyty lub do zapisu bezpośrednio na dysku twardym w sklepach konsol Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, 4 oraz Vita, Wii U i Nintendo E-Shop.


Information icon Osobny artykuł: Rozgrywka.

Domyślny wygląd gracza.


A new game of Minecraft


Information icon Osobny artykuł: Gracz.

Postać gracza jest sterowalna i porusza się w świecie gry. Kiedy gracz włącza grę, postać jest umieszczana w świecie generowanym dzięki losowemu lub określonemu ziarnu generatora. W chwili rozpoczęcia rozgrywki gracz nie ma nic w swoim ekwipunku. W trybie przetrwania gracz ma pasek życia składający się z dziesięciu serc, które symbolizują ilość punktów życia, które ma gracz. Punkty życia mogą być odejmowane, gdy gracz cierpi, m.in. w przypadku upadku, duszenia się, płonięcia czy ataku przez wrogie stworzenie. Gdy pasek życia zostanie opróżniony, gracz ginie. Obrażenia mogą być redukowane przez zbroję. Żywność uzupełnia punkty głodu wyświetlające się obok paska życia jako pasek stworzony z miniaturowych udek kurczaka. W zależności od poziomu trudności, głód może powodować różne szkody graczowi.

Gracz może zmienić swoją skórkę na oficjalnej stronie gry lub przez launcher gry.


Information icon Osobny artykuł: Bloki.

Bloki są obiektami tworzącymi świat gry. Część jest tworzona przy ładowaniu świata, część jest możliwa do wytworzenia przez gracza w stołach rzemieślniczych czy piecach. Z wybranych bloków można pozyskać różne surowce potrzebne w dalszym rozwoju gracza.

Niektóre z bloków są niezniszczalne w trybie przetrwania; część zaś nie może zostać pozyskana bez odpowiedniego narzędzia.


Procent występowania rud na wysokości

Występowanie danych rud na określonych wysokościach

Kopanie w grze odbywa się poprzez kopanie kilofem odpowiednich złóż minerałów i innych materiałów. Odpowiednie rudy występują na różnych wysokościach, lecz ich większość skupia się raczej głęboko pod powierzchnią ziemi.

Materiały pozyskiwane poprzez kopanie są niezbędne do rozwoju gracza. Żelazo i kamień są jednymi z podstawowych i najpotrzebniejszych przedmiotów w grze, a diament, jako najwytrzymalszy materiał w grze, jest przydatny do wytwarzania broni i zbroi, a także do eksploracji innych wymiarów.

Pod ziemią generują się struktury urozmaicające kopanie, są to jaskinie, opuszczone kopanie i lochy.

Wytwarzanie i przetapianie

Information icon Osobne artykuły: WytwarzaniePrzetapianie.

Stół rzemieślniczy

Wytwarzanie pozwala graczowi na stworzenie nowych narzędzi, bloków i przemiotów z odpowiednich materiałów z jego ekwipunku. W trybie przetrwania gracz w swoim inwentarzu ma miejsce 2x2 pola do wytwarzania, co nie jest jednak wystarczające do wytworzenia większości przedmiotów. Stoły rzemieślnicze pozwalają na wytwarzanie rzeczy o recepturach wymagających miejsca najwyżej 3x3 pola.

Przetapianie polega na przepalaniu bloków lub przedmiotów w inne im pochodne. Przetapianie odbywa się w piecach i wymaga paliwa do jego zainicjowania.

Zarówno tworzenie, jak i przetapianie przedmiotów jest niezbędne do dalszej rozgrywki.

Warzenie i zaklinanie

Information icon Osobne artykuły: WarzenieZaklinanie.
Interfejs stol do zaklec

Interfejs stołu do zaklęć.

Warzenie odbywa się w statywach alchemicznych i polega na tworzeniu różnych mikstur dzięki różnym składnikom dodawanym do butelek z wodą lub innych mikstur. Każda mikstura wywiera inny efekt na graczu lub innych stworzeniach.

Zaklinanie powoduje nadawanie narzędziom, broni lub zbroi wybranych efektów. Odbywa się ono w stołach do zaklinania i wymaga odpowiedniej liczby poziomów doświadczenia i lazurytu. Im wyższy poziom zaklinania, tym lepsze są zaklęcia nadane zaklinanemu przedmiotowi (maksymalnie poziom 30). Możliwe jest zwiększenie poziomów zaklinania poprzez ustawienie wokół stołu do zaklinania biblioteczek.

Brewing grid

Intefejs statywu alchemicznego w wersji Java Edition.


Information icon Osobny artykuł: Moby.

A creeper in daylight

Mobs (short for Mobiles) are the animals and other creatures that inhabit the map. These include zombies that attack by melee and summon other zombies; skeletons that have a bow and arrow, spiders that jump large distances and can climb walls, and creepers that explode when near the player. Rare mobs include spider jockeys, which is a skeleton riding a spider, chicken jockeys, which is a baby zombie riding a chicken, endermen, which are tall, black creatures with purple eyes and turn aggressive when the player looks at them, and slimes, which spawn deep within the map and in swamplands. The Nether features ghasts; flying mobs that spit exploding fire balls and attack without provocation, and zombie pigmen; modified pigmen with a golden sword that are neutral, blazes; which shoot fireballs and fly, and magma cubes, which are similar to slimes but jump a bit higher). In the End, the Ender Dragon exists. Withers can be built in all dimensions.

To aid the player there are several passive mobs: pigs, cows, chickens, sheep, rabbits and squid, and three tamable mob types, wolves, ocelots, and horses. Wolves will attack enemy mobs if the player engages or is attacked by them. Cats, or tamed ocelots will keep creepers at bay and can't take fall damage. Passive mobs other than wolves yield resources when killed, such as beef, porkchops, chicken, wool, leather, and ink sacs. If killed when on fire, the meat drops are changed to steaks, cooked porkchops and cooked chicken.

There is currently only one NPC mob: villagers, which spawn and move about within their village.


Information icon Osobny artykuł: Nether.
Plik:Nether 'biome'.png

The Nether

The Nether is a dimension in Minecraft, accessible from the Overworld by a Nether Portal. It was described by Notch as "a brand new hell world". It consists mainly of Netherrack and generates lakes of lava. It is populated by Zombie Pigmen, Blazes, Ghasts, Wither Skeletons, and Magma Cubes.


Information icon Osobny artykuł: Kres.
TheEnd 1

The End

The End is another dimension of the game where the player battles the Ender Dragon. The End is accessible by entering an End Portal in a Stronghold. The End is composed of End Stone and is inhabited by Endermen. It also contains Obsidian Pillars and Ender Crystals that heal the Ender Dragon.

Rozgrywka wieloosobowa

Information icon Osobny artykuł: Serwer.

PvP on a multiplayer server

Minecraft multiplayer servers have developed to include their own rules and customs, guided by their administrators and moderators. The term griefer, meaning a player who causes grief, is a typical term on the internet, but has taken up its own definition on Minecraft servers: a person who destroys or defiles other users' creations on servers.

Griefers are the reason many server administrators make rules, but this has been taken a step further with modifications to the Minecraft server and even plugin-based replacement servers such as Bukkit. Because of these plugin-based servers, new user-created features have shown up in Minecraft. This includes features like money, vehicles, protection, RPG elements and more. These features normally do not require modification to a user's client and can be accessed by using chat commands. With the default controls, the chat screen is brought up by pressing T.

One popular game on multiplayer servers is Spleef (a play on the word "grief"), a game where the player's aim is to make another player drop through the floor by destroying blocks beneath the opponent's feet. This is typically played in a designated area.

Minecraft Realms

Information icon Osobny artykuł: Realms.

Minecraft Realms is an official subscription-based server hosting service that allows players to create and manage their own private Minecraft servers. Hosted by Mojang, Realms provides an easy and fast way to create servers and allows the owner to manage them from inside the game, without prior knowledge of the concepts for hosting on the Internet. However, Realms are not intended for large public servers, but for groups of friends or as a family server.[8] Private Realms servers are easy to set up and available 24/7.

Wersje gry

Plik:Minecraft Sales Data.png

Minecraft sales data.

Java Edition

Information icon Osobny artykuł: Java Edition.

The original platform for Minecraft, running on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux and started through the launcher. The game was initially released for an "early private singleplayer alpha" on May 16, 2009, followed by a number of development stages (notably Classic, Indev, Infdev, Alpha, Beta) with the game finally being released on November 18, 2011. The Java Edition has seen many significant updates since its official release.

Pocket Edition

Information icon Osobny artykuł: Pocket Edition.

Notch with the Pocket Edition of Minecraft.

Minecraft Pocket Edition is designed for mobile platforms, with gameplay similar to Beta. It features many blocks, a local WiFi multiplayer, and is currently available on Google Play, the iTunes App Store, Windows Store, and the Amazon Appstore.

Minecraft Pocket Edition was released on August 16, 2011 and is designed for mobile platforms, with gameplay similar to Classic. It debuted on Sony's Xperia Play Android phone. The game is being developed by Mojang employees Jens Bergensten, Aron Nieminen and Tommaso Checchi. A version for all supported Android phones was released on October 7, 2011 after the exclusivity agreement between Sony and Mojang expired and the touch screen controls were added.[9][10] On November 16, a version for iOS was released. On September 13, 2012, a version was released for Amazon FireOS.

Console Edition

Information icon Osobny artykuł: Console Edition.
Plik:Xbox 360 Edition.png

The cover art for Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition.

Minecraft: Console Edition refers to the edition of Minecraft for consoles. The game has been continuously updated by its developers, 4J Studios.

The console edition was initially released on the Xbox 360 on May 9, 2012 followed by the unveiling on June 7, 2011 at E3 and the release date announcement on March 22nd through PlayXBLA's Twitter account. Console Edition was further released on the PlayStation 3 on December 17, 2013 (announced August 20, 2013), the Xbox One, the PlayStation 4, the PlayStation Vita, the Wii U, and the Nintendo Switch.

Windows 10 Edition

Information icon Osobny artykuł: Windows 10 Edition.

Minecraft Windows 10 Edition Logo

Minecraft Windows 10 Edition was released July 29, 2015 and is a port of Minecraft Pocket Edition for Windows 10. The game is written in C++ rather than Java. This version is available in the Windows 10 Store.[11]

Gear VR Edition

Information icon Osobny artykuł: Gear VR Edition.

Minecraft: Gear VR Edition was released on April 27, 2016 and is a port of Minecraft Pocket Edition for the Samsung Gear VR.[12]

Education Edition

Information icon Osobny artykuł: Education Edition.

Minecraft: Education Edition is an educational version of Minecraft specifically designed for classroom use. It is developed by Mojang AB and Microsoft Studios and contains features that will make Minecraft easy to use in a classroom setting. The full game was released on November 1, 2016.

Apple TV Edition

Information icon Osobny artykuł: Apple TV Edition.

Minecraft: Apple TV Edition was released on December 19, 2016 and is a port of Minecraft Pocket Edition for the Apple TV.[13]

Fire TV Edition

Information icon Osobny artykuł: Fire TV Edition.

Minecraft: Fire TV Edition was released on December 19, 2016 and is a port of Minecraft Pocket Edition for the Amazon Fire TV.[14]


There are a number of other versions of Minecraft. Minecraft 4k is a simple version of Minecraft in the style of other "4k" Java games that Notch has entered in contests. The Pi Edition was a free ported version of the 0.5.0 version of Pocket Edition for the Raspberry Pi.[15] which was intended as an educational tool for novice programmers. It allowed users to manipulate the game code and supported multiple programming languages, however was discontinued in January 2016.

Dane wersji

Edition Price (USD) Developer Platforms Download Input methods Account type Skin changes Support Notes
Java Edition $26.95 Mojang AB Windows, Mac & Linux PCs minecraft.net Keyboard & Mouse Mojang Free, user-created help.mojang.com The most feature complete version. Access to occasional test updates (snapshots).
Windows 10 $26.99 Mojang AB Windows 10 PCs Windows Store Keyboard & Mouse
Xbox Live Free, user-created, or via Xbox Live support.xbox.com Reduced price during beta period. Free if you already own Minecraft Java Edition (code via Mojang account). Cross-platform local server multiplayer with Pocket Edition.
Gear VR $6.99 Mojang AB Samsung Gear VR Oculus Store Gamepad Free, user-created, or via in-app purchase support.oculus.com
Fire TV $19.99 Mojang AB Amazon Fire TV Amazon Fire TV Store Amazon Fire TV Game Controller with Alexa Xbox Live (for achievements) Free, user-created, or via in-app purchase App store Cross-platform local server multiplayer with Pocket Edition and Windows 10 Edition.
Apple TV $19.99 Mojang AB Apple TV Apple TV App Store Game Controller Apple ID
Xbox Live (for achievements)
In-app purchase support.apple.com
Pocket $6.99 Mojang AB Many iOS, Android, and FireOS devices Apple, Google, and Amazon app stores Touchscreen
Xbox Live (for achievements) Free, user-created, or via in-app purchase App stores Android users have access to occasional test updates (builds).
Education $1-5 per user per year Microsoft Studios Mac and Windows 10 PCs education.minecraft.net Keyboard & Mouse Microsoft Office 365 Free, user-created education.minecraft.net/support Designed for teaching.
Xbox One $19.99 4J Studios Xbox One Xbox Live Xbox One Controller Xbox Live Purchased via Xbox Live support.xbox.com Only $5 if you already own Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition. Purchases and worlds transfer from Xbox 360.
Xbox 360 $19.99 4J Studios Xbox 360 Xbox Live Xbox 360 Controller Xbox Live Purchased via Xbox Live support.xbox.com
PlayStation 4 $19.99 4J Studios PlayStation 4 PSN Store DUALSHOCK 4 Controller PlayStation Network Purchased via PSN Store playstation.com/support Only $5 if you already own Minecraft: PS3 Edition. Purchases and Worlds transfer from PS3.
PlayStation 3 $19.99 4J Studios PlayStation 3 PSN Store SIXAXIS Controller
DUALSHOCK 3 Controller
PlayStation Network Purchased via PSN Store playstation.com/support
PlayStation Vita $19.99 4J Studios PlayStation Vita PSN Store PSVita PlayStation Network Not yet available playstation.com/support Allows you to get Minecraft: PS3 Edition for free and upgrade to Minecraft: PS4 Edition for $4.99.
Wii U $29.99 4J Studios Wii U Nintendo eShop Wii U GamePad
Wii U Pro Controller
Wii Classic Controller
Nintendo Network Purchased via Nintendo eShop support.nintendo.com Price includes six of the most popular add-on packs. Support for off-screen play.
Nintendo Switch $29.99 4J Studios Nintendo Switch Nintendo eShop JoyCon
Nintendo Switch Pro Controller
Nintendo Account (for Nintendo Switch Online) Purchased via Nintendo eShop support.nintendo.com Price includes seven of the most popular add-on packs.
Raspberry Pi Free Mojang AB Rasberry Pi pi.minecraft.net Keyboard and Mouse None Free, user-created Not available Designed for teaching and tinkering.

Dostosowywanie gry

Pluginy API

Notch has always planned to add a plugin API, and announced official plans to support one in the game on April 26, 2011. As of yet it has not been implemented. In a post before the release of Minecraft 1.0, Notch said that the plugin API would be coming along with a new launcher.[16]

When Jeb became head of Minecraft's development in December 2011, he stated that the plugin API would be his top priority, as "there is no way in hell I will be able to add as much content as the whole internet can do". He said that they were talking to existing mod developers such as Bukkit, Minecraft Forge, and Minecraft Coder Pack.[17]

Paczki zasobów

Information icon Osobny artykuł: Paczki zasobów.

The game officially supports changing most of its various textures, sounds, and text through resource packs. These have to contain a certain structure of files and folders, contained in a .zip archive file and placed in the resourcepacks folder of the .minecraft folder. The resource packs, as well as the folder, can be accessed in the options menu. The extent to which the resources are changed is dependent on how many files are contained in the resource pack.

Skórki gracza

Information icon Osobny artykuł: Skórki.

A skin refers to the texture that is placed onto a player model or mob.

The skin is divided into areas that act as the surface area of the character (for example, the front head area, left leg area, etc.). A skin will only allow solid color; transparency is not allowed on the skin file except on the second layer, which is transparent by default; playing offline, pixels can be left free resulting in "holes" in the skin. The second layer can be used to give the character glasses, hats, or other accessories (even a bigger head).

Nieoficjalne modyfikacje społeczności

Information icon Osobny artykuł: Modyfikacje.

Minecraft can be modified by replacing or adding Java class files to minecraft.jar. This method of making modifications are not supported by Mojang as they can break the game if the mod is outdated, defective, or is conflicting with another mod. Some of these user created modifications have been found to impress Notch or Jeb and the original authors have been attributed under Additional Programming; an implementation of Paul Spooner's Forestry editor script (not actually an internal mod), Hippoplatimus' Piston Mod and Dr. Zhark's Mo' Creatures mod (horses) were added in Infdev (April 13, 2010), Beta 1.7 and 1.6.1 respectively, although the Forester script was later removed in Infdev.[18][19][20][21]

Programy i edytory

Information icon Osobny artykuł: Programy i edytory.

There as many programs designed for Minecraft. These include 3D map editors and viewers, game modifiers, various informational programs (such as crafting recipes), and server wrappers, and other specialty programs. As with mods, these too are not supported by Mojang.

Gra w mediach

Minecraft: The Story of Mojang

Information icon Osobny artykuł: The Story of Mojang.

Minecraft: The Story of Mojang is a 2012 documentary created by 2 Player Productions about the history and development of Mojang AB. It was directed by Paul Owens and produced by Paul Levering, Peter De Bourcier and Burnie Burns, with additional funding given through a Kickstarter campaign. The movie was announced on February 21, 2011, was streamed on Xbox Live on December 22, 2012, and publicly released on other platforms, including The Pirate Bay, the next day.

Minecraft: The Movie

Information icon Osobny artykuł: Minecraft: The Movie.

Minecraft: The Movie is an upcoming American-Swedish film based on the video game of the same name. It is being directed by Rob McElhenney and written by Jason Fuchs. It is planned to be released on May 24, 2019.

Minecraft: The Island

Information icon Osobny artykuł: Minecraft: The Island.

Minecraft: The Island is a novel by American author Maximillian Brooks. It was published by Del Rey Books on July 18, 2017.

Inne gry

Minecraft: Story Mode

Information icon Osobny artykuł: Minecraft: Story Mode.

Minecraft: Story Mode is an episodic point-and-click narrative-driven graphic adventure video game based on the sandbox video game Minecraft, released in October 2015 across multiple platforms with a Windows 10 release on December 16, 2015, a Wii U release on January 21, 2016, a Apple TV release on August 24, 2016, and a Nintendo Switch release on August 22, 2017. The game was developed by Mojang AB, the developer of Minecraft, in collaboration with Telltale Games. Music for the game was composed by Anadel, an atmospheric folk band based in California. The game follows the episodic format that Telltale has used for its previous titles, where player choices and actions have siginificant effects on later story elements.

Minecraft: Story Mode - Season Two

Minecraft: Story Mode - Season Two is an ongoing episodic point-and-click narrative-driven graphic adventure video game based on the sandbox video game Minecraft, released in July 2017 across multiple platforms, with a Nintendo Switch release in Q3/Q4 2017. The game is being developed by Mojang AB, the developer of Minecraft, in collaboration with Telltale Games. Music for the game was composed by Anadel, an atmospheric folk band based in California. The game follows the episodic format that Telltale has used for its previous titles, where player choices and actions have significant effects on later story elements.

Powiązane z Minecraft

Lego Minecraft

Information icon Osobny artykuł: Lego Minecraft.
Plik:Minecraft handbook 4bks.jpg

The four current Minecraft Handbooks

In December 2011, Mojang submitted the concept of Minecraft merchandise to Lego for the Lego Cuusoo program, from which it quickly received 10,000 votes by users, prompting Lego to review the concept.[22] On January 24, 2012, Lego Cuusoo announced the concept was approved and they would develop sets based around Minecraft. In February 2012, the first Lego Minecraft set of Micro World was showcased and made available for pre-orders, with a release set for the summer of 2012.[23]

Książki Minecraft

Information icon Osobny artykuł: Książki Minecraft.

The Official Minecraft Books are a series of guidebooks for Minecraft, written for new and inexperienced players while being high-quality enough for collectors. The books are written by Stephanie Milton, Paul Soares Jr. (paulsoaresjr), Jordan Maron (CaptainSparklez), Nick Farwell, Matthew Needler, Phil Southamt, Alex Wiltshire and published by Scholastic. There are currently five books in the series: Minecraft: Essential Handbook, Minecraft: Redstone Handbook, Minecraft: Annual 2014, Minecraft: Combat Handbook, and Minecraft: Construction Handbook They were first released in the UK in late 2013 (beginner, redstone, annual 2014) and early 2014 (combat, construction).[24]



Mojang's trophies

Since release Minecraft has won numerous awards including:

  • PC Gamer's "Game of the Year"[25]
  • Independent Games Festival's Grand Prize and "Audience Award"[26]
  • Good Game's "Best Downloadable Game of 2010"[27]
  • Rock Paper Shotgun's "Game of the Year"[28]
  • Indie DB's "Indie of the Year", "Most Innovative and Best Singleplayer Indie"[29]
  • Game Developers Choice Awards's "Best Debut Game", "Best Downloadable Game" and "Most Innovative Game Award"[30]

Wpływ gry na społeczność

Many references have been made in culture in response to the popularity of Minecraft, this includes many memes and also references in these video games:

  • In Super Meat Boy, Steve?[31] is an unlockable character. He is known as Mr. Minecraft in this game.
  • In Battlefield Heroes, you could get a Royal Minecraft T-Shirt or a National Minecraft T-Shirt from the 29th to the 31st of July, 2011.[32]
  • In Team Fortress 2, there is a hat called Top Notch that resembles Notch's avatar in a cubic form.[33] Notch is the only person to have this hat.
  • In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and The Binding of Isaac, an item called the "Notched Pickaxe" can be found and used, referencing the game's creator Notch, and the pickaxes which feature prominently in Minecraft.[34][35]
  • In ChopLifter HD, there is a hidden island with Steve and chickens in the "Operation Charlie Takedown" mission.[36] When you save him, you unlock an in-game achievement. It should be noted that Steve is called "Blockhead" in this game.
  • In the PlayStation 3 game, PixelJunk Shooter 2, there's a small Creeper in the title screen hidden among other enemies native to Shooter 2.[37]
  • In Borderlands 2, there is a hidden section of the game with blocks in the style of Minecraft's stone and ore blocks, which are breakable. There are also enemy Creepers in this same area.[38]
  • In Torchlight 2, there is an area called "Notch's Mine." In it are Creepers, that can be killed for loot. There are also hidden swords in the game with the same graphics as swords in Minecraft.[39]
  • In season 17 of South Park, the 2nd episode depicted a kid teaching Minecraft to adults.[40]
  • In Patch 1.13 of Awesomenauts, a new skin for the character Clunk was added known as Creeper Clunk. It is unlocked by killing a player using the Creeper Clunk skin.[41]
  • A vehichle card in Dusk of D.A.W.N. is called "Mine Craft". The description at the bottom says "The Mine Craft is truly top-notch".[42] Notch's Twitter picture is hidden on the card.
  • One of the many paths in The Stanley Parable will eventually take the player to a Minecraft world.[43]
  • In Plague Inc, a popular multiplatform game, there is a chance a message in the news will appear about a "Top notch diamond mine in Sweden, attracting Miners and Crafters". this is a reference to the value of diamonds, Notch, and the game itself.[44]
  • In Terraria, there is a wearable creeper costume.[45]
  • In Stealing The Diamond, you need to choose "Sneak In" and use a "Pick". A creeper will show up and explode.[46]
  • In the The Walking Deceased movie trailer, the Minecraft zombie sound can be heard at 0:30.[47]
  • In season 25 of The Simpsons, the 17th episode had a couch gag known as SimCraft, complete with Bartender Moe as a creeper blowing up the house.[48]


Poniżej znajduje się lista przypisów na tej stronie.

  1. http://www.mojang.com/2015/12/minecraft-coming-to-nintendo-wii-u/
  2. https://mojang.com/2016/11/minecraft-education-edition-has-launched/
  3. https://twitter.com/jeb_/status/122350670648066049
  4. http://www.oxm.co.uk/41893/features
  5. https://mojang.com/2014/09/yes-were-being-bought-by-microsoft/
  6. https://twitter.com/xboxp3/status/530368089418784768
  7. http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/qprgw
  8. https://twitter.com/danfrisk/status/311725356434460672
  9. http://gaming.icrontic.com/news/mojang-signs-minecraft-deal-with-sony
  10. http://www.minecraftforum.net/news/236-
  11. https://mojang.com/2015/07/announcing-minecraft-windows-10-edition-beta/
  12. https://www3.oculus.com/blog/minecraft-now-available-on-oculus-for-gear-vr/
  13. https://minecraft.net/en/article/apple-tv-edition-released
  14. https://www.amazon.com/Mojang-Minecraft-Fire-TV-Edition/dp/B01NCJDPER
  15. http://www.mojang.com/2012/11/minecraft-is-coming-to-the-raspberry-pi/
  16. wordofnotch:12848184253
  17. http://www.minecraftforum.net/news/344-
  18. http://www.peripheralarbor.com/minecraft/minecraftscriptphotojournal.html
  19. wordofnotch:506311060
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch&v=uZJr86d2IUo
  21. http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/hvkmo
  22. http://kotaku.com/5878848
  23. http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-57379791-1
  24. http://minecraft.scholastic.com
  25. http://www.pcgamer.com/2010/12/31/pc-gamer-uks-game-of-the-year
  26. http://www.indiegames.com/2011/01/2011_independent_games_festiva_10.html
  27. http://www.abc.net.au/tv/goodgame/stories/s3085956.htm
  28. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2010/12/24/the-games-of-christmas-%E2%80%9910-day-24
  29. http://www.indiedb.com/events/2010-indie-of-the-year-awards/winners
  30. http://www.gamechoiceawards.com/archive/gdca_11th.html
  31. https://twitter.com/notch/status/6825860292157440
  32. http://mojang.com/2011/07/30/collaboration-with-our-neighbors-battlefield-heroes
  33. wordofnotch:13353738451
  34. http://www.minecraftforum.net/news/316-
  35. http://bindingofisaac.wikia.com/wiki/Notched_pickaxe
  36. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xF4bWOu0Hn0
  37. http://archive.beefjack.com/files/2011/03/creeper2.jpg
  38. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xI4deYmDNQ
  39. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlqBPeV8uuw
  40. http://southpark.cc.com/clips/tl5xzc/learning-minecraft
  41. http://imgur.com/a/WzQI3#bm2rLCQ
  42. http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/1kji7a/mine_craft_from_dusk_of_dawn_a_small_tribute/
  43. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULxvda_REuQ
  44. http://i.imgur.com/qKCIxPZ.jpg
  45. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7g2WcnvUtiY
  46. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJddAuSQOYE#t=11m15s
  47. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEJzl3GX0P8#t=0m28s
  48. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XheEGpNegbQ